Digesters and renewable energy

Multiple FlareWell® Gas Burners for Bolivar STP

SA Water’s Bolivar STP is one of the largest and most advanced treatment systems in Australia. Project Overview The solids...

Primary and Acid Phase BioCap® Digester Gas Covers for West Camden STP

The West Camden STP which is operated by Sydney Water can process up to 23MLD of wastewater. The plant provides...

Highrise Office Building – Winterthur, Switzerland – Energy from Wastewater

Wastewater is rarely used, but is an excellent heat source for effective and economical operation of heat pumps. Generally the...

Biogas Upgrading at Brewdog’s HQ Bio-Plant

The Brewdog Brewery makes biogas from leftover grain and that helps fight climate change by producing renewable energy. Through DMT’s...

Circular City: Green Fuel from Household Waste

The story begins in 1992, when the winter Olympic games came to Lillehammer, Norway. The games were promoted as “Green...

Cows Fuel Sweden’s Cars – The Birgersson Family Owning Hagelsrum Farm is Thriving on Biogas

The Birgersson family has been operating the Hagelsrum farm with 650 milking cows since 2008. With initial plans to built...

Recovery of Heat from Wastewater: HUBER Tubewin Heat Exchanger

Hot water is required in houses, apartments and public buildings all the year round. In addition to it’s use for...

Sustainable Energy Generation at the Frogmary Green Farm

Sustainable energy is produced at Sustainable Energy Generation located at the Frogmary Green Farm. Here crops are fed to an...

Getting More Out of Anaerobic Digesters for Maroochydore STP

The Maroochydore STP which owned and operated by Unitywater, treated up to 34 millions of litres of sewage per day....