Where Did the Year Go?
December 7, 2015
Christmas has arrived rather quickly and as we all scramble with those last minute holiday preparations it is good to take a few moments to reflect on the year that was.

2015 has been an extremely positive year for the Hydroflux Group which has seen the largest growth in projects that it has ever experienced, numerous successful Australian and water industry firsts and a massive increase in our technical and project support staffing.
A selection of Hydroflux’s noteworthy news for the year:
15 New Australian Water Authorities:

Australian Water Authorities really sat up and took notice with 15 new water authorities and councils added to the rapidly growing list of water authorities and councils currently entrusting Hydroflux with their wastewater grit removal, classification, screening, aeration or sludge dewatering equipment needs.
Record number of Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) systems:

The simplicity, ease of cleaning, power savings and capital/operating cost savings of the HyDAF Dissolved Air Flotation system has been recognised by industry resulting in record numbers of HyDAF systems being supplied, installed and successfully commissioned this year. Towards the end of the year our production facility has been producing a new HyDAF system every 1 ½ weeks!
Two largest HyDAF units to date:

This year saw the production of Hydroflux’s two largest HyDAF Dissolved Air Flotation systems to date. Both installed in QLD, with one fitted with an integrated odour capture system, these units were both fabricated at the same time and tested our production facility.
AirPrex® Phosphate Removal Successfully Introduced into ANZ:

The introduction of Airprex®, an advanced struvite/phosphate removal and biosolids enhancement process for STP’s has received a great deal of interest and the availability of this product into the Australian and New Zealand wastewater industry is already causing a serious rethink by authorities of their future planning for sludge digestion and dewatering.
Organica Water Disrupts Future STP Planning:

Organica Water’s revolutionary Food Chain Reactor (FCR) process is now available in Australia exclusively via Hydroflux. With over 82 Organica tertiary STP’s worldwide the combination of odour free STP’s which use half the space, lower capital, lower OPEX and decentralised treatment saving massively on infrastructure has caused a definite disruption in future urban planning this last year.
NSW’s Leading Shopping Centre Groups adopt the GT-DAF:

Designed specifically to replace traditional grease traps for large food courts the hybrid GT-DAF Dissolved Air Flotation system has been universally adopted by the leading shopping centre chains. Taking a fraction of the area required by traditional DAF’s or grease traps and offering both improved treated water quality, massive capital and operational cost savings the GT-DAF is ideal for both new centres and retrofitting into existing centres.
Hydroflux extends its grateful thanks to our customers, subcontractors and staff who have shown us nothing but trust and loyalty this last year.
Merry Christmas to you and your family’s. We hope you enjoy the holidays and look forward to working with you again in the New Year. The Hydroflux Group.
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Hydroflux Group Newsletter – March 2016
National Water Week – 18 to 24 October 2015
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